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What is Unified Carrier Registration Agreement?



UCRA – Unified Carrier Registration Agreement


Who files under UCRA?

Motor carriers providing motor vehicle transportation in interstate commerce for compensation

Motor private carrier (other than a motor carrier) transporting property by motor vehicle when the carrier is the owner or lessee of the property being transported and the property is being transported for sale, lease or rent or to further a commercial enterprise



Freight Forwarders or Leasing Companies


What am I required to do?


§  File an annual application; and

§  Pay an annual fee.


Am I required to carry a credential in the vehicle?

No. You are not required to carry any proof of compliance in the vehicle. You can carry the receipt for payment of the fees if you choose.


How do I know if I’m registered?

You can check to see if you have registered for this program by viewing FMCSA’s website at: under Unified Carrier Registration (UCR).  Three years of data will be retained.

Owner Operators & US DOT Authorities
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